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K.O.F.Y is Winston Kofy Ahman, music producer and spoken word artist. He combines dub, hip hop and world sounds with spoken word poetry, rooted in his Nigerian-Jamaican descent. Ahman started as a crack dealer in his home town Lagos, Nigeria in the late seventies, but soon got involved in politics. For engaging in various activities against the rule of General Obasanjo, he spent a total of seven years in prison, where he once allegedly shared a cell with the great Fela Kuti. During the eighties, Ahman fled Nigeria and moved first to Kingston, Jamaica and then to Miami, Florida, where he got his moniker K.O.F.Y., working as a doorman in a Latino gay bar. By the arrival of the Bush administration in 2001, Ahman left the USA in fear of deportation and moved to Basel, Switzerland. In 2008, he got involved in music, making beats on his laptop and improvising a set of self-centered post-political lyrics.
His first album under the title “Return of the Secretary General EP” is now available as a free download on MySpace. K.O.F.Y has recently moved to Belgrade, Serbia, where he is currently residing.

Website: http://www.myspace.com/mykofy


Preslušavanje (uskoro!):

Loose Cantrol
Mugabe's Lunch
They Call Me K.O.F.Y.


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